Angels of mercy also feel

Hospital staff who heroically work to save lives are themselves not immune from death, injury, and trauma.

‘All I want is to live peacefully with my family in our small village’

Life in the West Bank is beautiful — but for the increased threats from checkpoints, settler rampages, and wild boars.

‘In any case, you came, Eid.’

Finding a way to celebrate, even for just a few moments, was a way to show children that they were cared for.

Food and starvation as weapons of war

Do not tell Gazans that hunger is a tragic consequence of war; they experience it as a deliberate policy of genocide.

‘Just give us time to grieve.’

One family’s devastating loss started on the second day of the war, followed by death after death.

If you are lost in Gaza, do not head towards the sea

The shoreline has changed, the city has disappeared, and our future is hard to fathom.

Echos of our lost home in Gaza

Israeli F-16 rockets destroyed a four-generation property that was once alive with family gatherings.


Mahmoud Jamal Abuzarifa was the pillar of support not only for his immediate family but for many others.

A promise of safe passage, a sea of white flags — and a bullet

A young man and his family, seeking to escape death in north Gaza, meet death on the road.

Sons of the sea

They said that the sea has been in mourning /  Since he sensed the blood of a martyred boy on his waves.

If I must live

If I must live / You must see / The resistant one you taught me to be

Remembering Samar

“I wish I were that drowning sun,” / you told me, / “tightly embracing the horizon, / flying into the abyss of freedom.”

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