we are not numbers

emerging writers from Palestine tell their stories and advocate for their human rights

Heba Hayek

    Heba Hayek is a Palestinian woman who was born to this world in order to make a change, at least from her own point of view. She's a mother of three children and she spends most of her time either reading or taking online courses. She lived in Saudi Arabia with her family for a while and then she came back to Gaza to pursue her B.A. Studies. She studied pharmacology for one semester then she changed her major to the English language. But that didn't prevent her from reading more in the medical field.

    Heba works as an English trainer, administrative assistant, Interpreter, translator, ESL teacher and coordinator. She loves writing, has been writing since she was twelve, and she belives that "through your words you can change the whole world."


    my work

    I had nightmares about losing my baby or my life.
    Dr. Eyad was an icon in the Palestinian struggle for justice.