we are not numbers

emerging writers from Palestine tell their stories and advocate for their human rights

Haya Abu Nasser

    Haya Abu Nasser is a human rights activist and writer whose family is originally from Deir-Sneid. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English literature and humanitarian sciences and worked for several non-governmental organizations in Palestine. Her work has been published in AGNIScoundrel Time, Evergreen Review, The Normal School, The Rumpus, Airlight, The Massachusetts Review, and Apogee Journal. After being internally displaced four times within Gaza after the destruction of her family home, she spent several months living in a tent in Rafah. She managed to cross the border into Egypt in March and is currently enrolled in a Masters program in International Affairs at Lincoln University College in Malaysia.

    Current as of May 2024

    my work

    We will not surrender to extinction. Like the blue whale, we will navigate the storm until we swim in the sunlight.
    Migrant, refugee, displaced / my ID bears brutal chapters / I did not choose to write
    Bitterness gnaws at my soul as I long for safe shelter, warmth, a cup of coffee and the routine melody of life.