we are not numbers

emerging writers from Palestine tell their stories and advocate for their human rights

Yasmin Hillis

    Yasmin, 21, graduated with a bachelor's degree in English literature from Al-Azhar Universitiy in Gaza and now is looking for a job or a scholarship for master's study overseas.  

    As a teen, Yasmin joined the Global Citizen Corps program sponsored by Mercy Corps to empower promising young students. There, she was exposed to many different perspectives and views. She also has done a lot of volunteer work to help the poor. Yasmin is keen to advance the Palestinian cause and to make the Palestinian voice internationally heard. 

    Yasmin serves as Assignment Coordinator for We Are Not Numbers, a funciton in which she researches news leads.


    my work

    It's been two years since the assault, but the pain is still fresh for everyone who knew 10-year-old Ali.
    Losing both of your legs would be enough to plunge anyone into deep depression. Not Jameela. Today, she is mobile and determined.