Let's play a game.
Call it
Who's the terrorist?
Rule one: Make it fun.
Rule two: No double standards.
Same rules for everyone.
Rule three: Everyone plays by the same rules;
no hidden agendas.
Not like the way it’s played today.
Player 1 was born in 1948.
He has the biggest gun;
in fact, he has a gun in both hands.
He can kill as many as he likes
and ignore international law (the so-called rules).
yet he still can claim to hail from
‘the only democracy in the Middle East”
and is beloved by Trump
and his Christian acolytes.
The second player
was born in 1987:
Malnourished, with one beebee gun.
He can only shoot at sparse lands,
shout really loud,
while citing international law.
While no one listens.
Victory is making the sirens sound.
Not how many you kill
or make homeless.
Me? I am tired of this game.
I dislike them both.
But tell me please:
Between the two,
Who's the terrorist?