we are not numbers

emerging writers from Palestine tell their stories and advocate for their human rights

The Bitch Wears Prada

And, then, she enters: a blonde chick wearing Prada.


Parody of Ivanka Trump, opening the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem,
while Israeli snipers kill unarmed protesters in Gaza.

Oh, your highnesses and kings,
Gathered sitting on your thrones, watching,
Watching the most-filled-with-action movie of all time.
It’s good, isn’t it? Even better than Hollywood, right?
I see you all whispering, nodding in approval.
And, then, she enters:
A blonde chick wearing Prada.
She steals your attention,
And all of your crowns fall as you run toward her.
“Woof, woof,” you bark, mesmerized by her regal stature..
Shut your mouths, dogs!
I see you drooling!
But it’s offensive to dogs to call you dogs.
As a dog-lover, I find it extremely insulting.
Rather, you are rattlesnakes;
You start rattling once you see a bitch walking on the runway,
Ready to inject your venom into any who endanger her.



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