we are not numbers

emerging writers from Palestine tell their stories and advocate for their human rights

Jeremy Siegman

    Jeremy Siegman is a scholar and organizer based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. He will complete his PhD in political science and anthropology at the University of Chicago in the winter of 2018. His dissertation, “Enemies in the Aisles: Palestinian Workers and the Politics of Normalization in Israeli-Palestinian Commercial Contact Zones,” explores the political tensions surrounding Palestinian labor in Israeli settlements and cities, focusing on the period of the 2014 Israeli assault on Gaza and its aftermath. Jeremy’s ethnographic fieldwork in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem was funded by the Fulbright-Hays program, the National Science Foundation and the Wenner-Gren Foundation. Jeremy also teaches university courses on settler colonialism, human rights, socio-cultural anthropology, social and political theory, and Palestine. Currently a Harry Frank Guggenheim dissertation fellow, Jeremy also is active in the Palestine solidarity movement and participates in various social movements in the northeastern United States. He enjoys singing, the old Stephen Colbert and speaking Palestinian colloquial Arabic.

    Jeremy has written for websites such as Palestine Square.

    my work