Once upon a time,
In a land not so far,
A people lived in peace,
How pure they truly are!
It was a heaven on earth,
With a people at peace
But a new plan gave birth
to a violence without cease.
One day, someone knocked on their door
Seeking hospitality. They said,
“This is your home, we’re sure,
We only need shelter and bread
And we heard you are kind,
And without you we’ll be dead!
Don’t leave us behind,
Please be our friend.”
The hosts welcomed the guests
and gave them what they needed.
From food to lands to nests,
How well they were treated!
But as their number started to grow,
From friendship they withdrew their hand.
Now their real aims began to show,
What if only they ruled the land!
It was no more sharing,
The guests claimed it’s now theirs,
A land where they were hosted,
And called “guests” they wouldn’t bear.
“Peace was never the solution!”
The guests then said,
“Let’s make a revolution!
Let’s paint this land red!”
So the bombing started
And they began genocide.
Hundreds of thousands killed,
And peace officially denied.
The hosts could do nothing but defend
For their land, their water, their sand,
The war then stayed for decades,
And we wish the world would understand.