we are not numbers

emerging writers from Palestine tell their stories and advocate for their human rights

Freedom to our mother Palestine

We are living a genocide / They said, “You don't have the right to decide / Just flow with the survival tide”
Sun with checkered cloth in front of it and a Palestine flag dripping blood.
Artist: Salsabeel AbuLoghod


We are living a genocide
They said, “You don’t have the right to decide”
Just flow with the survival tide
Without food, clean water and waiting to die
Our lives are carved up like a pie
The world watches us with hungry eyes and wants a bite
No one dares stop this genocide
Rich countries, strong armies are convinced in their lies
Destroy my future and rob me blind
I’ve lost it all in a blink of an eye
I tried to regain it, but I just slide
Nothing’s left, though I search far and wide
Under the rubble, my hope hides
“To be or not to be,” you decide
A survivor clinging to her pride
Is this really me? Or just one of many sides
I’m still screaming for an end to this genocide
Our souls have missed the quiet life
I miss saying that anything is mine
I lose my power with every stride
From my tiredness I strive to shine
my beloved Palestine will never die
I dream of freedom with love as my guide
Crossing the oceans of time
Searching for global rhyme
Of morals and building a song for Palestine
Truth will emerge without the lies
Truth will fly around the world
But until then —
This is our life
We live under genocide
Freedom to our mother Palestine.

Mentor: Samar Najia



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