we are not numbers

emerging writers from Palestine tell their stories and advocate for their human rights

Anas Jnena

    Anas is an English literature graduate of Al-Azhar University. He is former special projects coordinator for We Are Not Numbers, managing our partnership with Rebuilding Alliance and overseeing video production. Currently, he is living and working in the United States, and still assists with We Are Not Numbers activities.

    Young man with hand pointing to chin and other hand on hip, outside.

    my work

    WANN expresses its gratitude to South Africa for its case against Israel in the International Court of Justice.
    These words were written six years ago, but they are just as valid today. Gaza lives, and Gaza will rise again.
    I woke up one day and discovered, in the Gaza that can bring so much pain, 24 hours of love and wonder.
    When I first met Ahmed, the story he told was both shocking and too familiar
    Dignity is life, so resist we must.
    Everything was stacked against Yahya; what hope did he have?
    It was just a chance encounter with two kids in a taxi, but within that moment was an important life lesson.
    Over a decade has passed since Israel imposed its blockade, and our resolutions are really wishes and they never change.
    Gaza youth cling to a sliver of hope that the reconciliation announced in the last few days will finally occur and lessen the intensity of their struggles.
    I want the world to know that Gaza is all about life--just like any other city in the world.
    Feeling safe is like a fanciful dream in Gaza. This might sound odd, and impossible for anyone else to understand, but for those of us who live in Gaza, it has become perfectly natural.
    Despite devastation and sorry, this Gaza football team found reason to celebrate